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About Me

I was an only child, raised as a Presbyterian. I prayed with a radio evangelist  when I was 10 and had a childhood experience of following God according to the teachings of other people's understanding.  I never read the Bible for myself nor was I ever challanged to.  I believed the things that these "Christians" told me to believe and hated the thnigs they told me to hate.

When my father died, I was 15 years old. I asked the youth pastor of our church where my father was  and this man told me he did not know and could not tell me. I was desolate and found love and acceptance from friends outside of the church. Especially  with two warm, loving  and intelligent atheists.  I soon rejected God,  Jesus,  church and those I deemed to be intolerant Christians.

I entered college  an agnostic and left a full blown atheist.  I got married and at the age of 23 I had my first child. A near death experience during delivery left me terrified of dying. I  soon began searching for  Spiritual Truth. Was there a God, could I know him, she or it?  Was there a creator God, a personal God, or simply a force or being greater than myself that could be called God?

2 more children and 3 years later I was still seeking answers. At the age of 27, I had my first meaningful dialog with a couple of Jehovah Witnesses. They soon began coming to my home on a weekly basis and we would talk about spiritual matters. I found myself reading the Bible and was totally smitten by the Jesus I found quoted and described there.  By the fall of 1971 I separated myself from the JW's as I could not subscribe to their beliefs and practices. Gradually I grew in my knowledge of God, his word and especially in his son Jesus.

Whenever I am overwhelmed by empty religiosity or feelings of depression I refocus on my simple faith in Jesus and remember that He is  always with me and He is the reason I  believe in God

I like the image of Jesus praying because it reminds me that he is always praying for us.


The Gardener - by P. Hallam

This poem is meant to be a gift of hope ... of love ... and encouragemnent

Jesus is a gardener

and this is how I know

He made us in His image

with a plan for us to grow.


Within our hearts which is His soil

He plants His tiny seeds,

surrounding us in tender love

to fertilize our needs.


The scriptures are His living words

they're food to help us grow,

and prayer is to revive us

as our thirst to know Him flows.


And when a plague does blight us

Jesus mounds us with His hands,

like a shield our faith protects us

and enables us to stand.


We will fight if He directs us

or wait patiently and still,

Christ takes our heavy burdens

at a cross on Calvary's hill.


Every Oak and every Violet

all the flowers that we see

stand simply to reminds us

God grows them like you and me.


Patricia Hallam - 1996 God Bless you all!

"God so presents...
the outside inducements that man acts in accordance with
his own nature, yet does EXACTLY what God has planned
for him to do" - L. Boettner